
Ev.io is a free-to-play multiplayer first-person shooting game in which the player is equipped with high-tech weapons and multitasking skills such as jumping, sprinting, etc. to shoot the oppopnents.


Released DateJan 21, 2021
Rating4.2 Star Rating
PaltformWeb Browser (Desktop, Mobile, Tablet)

How to play Ev.io?

To play just click to be added randomly to the battlefield.

The game offers two modes: Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch.


This mode allows you to take the most lives while competing for free with other players.

Team Deathmatch

In this mode, you have to work with your teammates to earn the most lives possible during a team battle.

There is a range of weapons in the game. You can choose the primary weapon upon entering into the battle between cannons, automatic rifles, laser rifles, burst rifles, etc. Each weapon has its unique feature. For example, an automatic rifle damages a little but has a sluggish fire rate. A laser rifle on the other hand damages a lot but has high fire frequency.

Apart from choosing a primary weapon, you can also pick up weapons such as shotguns, sniper rifles, rocket launchers, desert eagles, etc. These weapons are much stronger and are advantageous to you.

The game also has an ability system where you can change your starting weapon and acquire specific skills. The ability system focuses mainly on movement and grenades.

Key Binding

  • WASD: To move
  • Spacebar: To jump
  • Shift: To sprint
  • Q: To teleport
  • G: to throw grenades
  • Left mouse button: To shoot
  • Right mouse button: To aim
  • R: To reload
  • B: To bomb
  • H: To defuse the bomb (from the opponent)
  • J: To drop the bomb
  • U: To throw a smoke grenade
  • V: To throw a stick grenade

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Download link

Google Play Store Badge Render in 150 W and Auto H

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